原文介绍:A fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter using one library, oneconfig file and one controller.
REST (REpresentational State Transfer) 描述了一个架构样式的网络系统,比如 web 应用程序。它首次出现在 2000 年 Roy Fielding 的博士论文中,他是 HTTP 规范的主要编写者之一。
不懂的话:百度、Google 搜索“RESTful”
update:2012-10-17 22:05
A:codeigniter-base-model by @ jamierum below
原文介绍:My CodeIgniter Base Model is an extended CI_Model class to use in your CodeIgniter applications. It provides a full CRUD base to make developing database interactions easier and quicker, as well as an event-based observer system, in-model data validation, intelligent table name guessing and soft delete.
CodeIgniter-cURL is a CodeIgniter library which makes it easy to do simple cURL requests and makes more complicated cURL requests easier too.
PHP 5.1+
CodeIgniter 1.7.x - 2.0-dev
PHP 5 (configured with cURL enabled)
CodeIgniter Bootstrap kick starts the development process of the web development process by including Twitter Bootstrap into CodeIgniter. It also includes certain libraries such as AWS and Facebook in-case you are developing applications requiring those SDKs. So stop writing the same code over again and start working on your idea.
CodeIgniter Bootstrap follows the path where it lazy loads libraries. Though the project footprint may be large, the memory footprint will still be extremely light. Try not to autoload libraries as it does not follow the CodeIgniter convention (though some libraries do make sense to autoload).
CodeIgniter-Cache is a partial caching library for CodeIgniter. It allows you to write and get chunksof data to and from the filesystem. By storing complex or large chunks of data in serialized formon the file system you can relieve stress from the database or simply cache Twitter calls.